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Subconscious mind vs conscious mind ?

The subconscious vs the conscious?

This article continues to explain the most recent findings in epigenetics and the quantum concept of the human body as an energy body that interacts with its environment at specific will help us understand how according to the theory of epigenetics , we can change our genes and improve our physical fitness, and cognitive functions.

Minds: conscious versus subconscious.

Consider a machine that only has an operating system; it would need a team of programmers to get it up and running. The same is true for people; when a child is born, they have an operating system but no programming.

Children's observations of their environment are downloaded into the application. It is generally told by psychologists that the children do not listen, they see and follow. The programmer and the hypnotic sate of their mind allows them to do so.


By monitoring our siblings, parents, and community over the first seven years of human life, nature has created this program for us to download.


It resembles a hypnotic state. Where information is now being downloaded into the brain. It is anticipated that this state of consciousness will be theta in terms of energy and frequency. Recall how Dr. Bruce Lipton introduced the idea of the energy body in our last article.


The development of consciousness begins at age 7, and it must function in accordance with the programs that were downloaded during the first seven years of existence. It causes everyone to behave in a particular way.

On the other hand, the conscious mind, which is a person's distinctive identity, creativity, behavior, and spirituality, begins to function from the age of seven.

Therefore, both the conscious mind, and you can say the creative mind, and the subconscious or programmed mind has an impact on how people act.

What remains to be determined is how much our subconscious minds influence us.

According to science, we only think and plan with our conscious minds 5% of the time.

The subconscious mind has the upper hand 95% of the time. What if your subconscious mind has memories of unpleasant events from the past?

What will happen to us in life if it has seen failure, illness, and misery and we are operating through this terrible mind?

Without even engaging in an effort to achieve our goal, we are using the program of our thoughts that leads to failure, illnesses, sorrows, and sadness. Already, we have failed. Consider the energy body. Because it has been taught to do so, our body only reacts to negative messages and frequencies.

 The good vibes are silent and not being picked up by anything around us or in your conscious thinking.

What if we programmed our bodies to only pick up the signals that lead to achievement, well-being, longevity, and happiness? How can we live a better, healthier, and more prosperous life by allowing our conscious and creative minds to rule?

Now, in our upcoming piece, we'll discuss how conscious self-control transforms and guides our lives on the desired path. How do we take back conscious command?



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