is a new research in field of biology and genetics. It is revolutionary in a sense
that it gives the theory of changing our genetics consciously by changing our
habits or practices. So unlike older theory of genetics, we are no longer
slaves to our genetic makeup inherited by our parents. But we can change it on
will and do much more to improve our heath conditions, mental capabilities,
learning and all cognitive functions.
We can influence our genes if we can
control our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is something that is
controlling our thoughts 95 of the time during the day. When we are not
consciously thinking or not mentally present while doing anything, we are under
the control of subconscious mind or you may say on autopilot. How can we bring it
all under control???
How does that
operate then?
By providing RNA with the coding for
a specific gene, the DNA itself directs the synthesis of that gene. Transcription
is the process in which the information is copied from DNA to RNA .Then RNA
instructs the ribosomes to assemble a certain type of protein, by controlling the
choice of amino acids and their linkages to make a certain protein or express a
certain trait called translation.
A cell's features and function are
determined by its proteins. Protein is the basic building block of our body, including,
hair, nail, muscles , tendons, ligaments, hormones , enzymes etc.
The epigenome is basically a
collection of chemical markers attached to cells genome.
The expression of gene can be
controlled by these markers.
There could be an enhanced
translation to make a certain protein under their influence or no translation,
preventing a certain trait to be expressed. That how epigenome influence our
genetic expression.
Some chemical markers will cause the
DNA unwinding, making transcription simpler and increasing the production of
the related protein.
Epigenetic changes are carried on
with cell division, which means they could be a permanent part
expressing a certain trait throughout life.
That can sometimes be
Epigenetic alterations are a typical
aspect of growth. One master genome is present at birth in each cell of an
embryo. Some genes are turned on during cell division while others are
suppressed. Differentiation of cells
Some cells eventually transform into
heart cells and others into liver cells as a result of this epigenetic
The roughly 200 different cell types
in your body all share a nearly identical genome, but each has a unique
Additionally, the epigenome
facilitates a continuous conversation between the environment and the genes.
Factors influencing how the
epigenome functions
Diet, chemical exposure, and
medicine are just a few examples of the things that might affect the chemical
tags that switch genes on and off.
If, for instance, the ensuing
epigenetic modifications switch a gene off, illness may eventually
develop. If, for example, they turn off a gene that makes a
tumor-suppressing protein.
Do epigenetics
pass on to the next generations?
When egg and sperm cells are
created, the majority of epigenetic markers are removed.
However, according to a recent
study, some of these imprints are still present and passed on these epigenetic
features to the following generation.
Your personal epigenome may be
influenced by your parents' childhood experiences, adult decisions, or both.
Although epigenetic modifications
are persistent, they are not always irreversible.