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Healing , belief system , how you can heal your self with belief.


Placebo effect 

The placebo effect describes how a person can be healed or cured by a medication that is actually not needed to treat that ailment. It suggests that if you only had faith. You will recover with a certain medication; your faith in that medication will make you well.

It is primarily utilized in psychiatry. The patient is given several ineffectual medications because he is not actually ill but believes he is.

However, this also applies to all allopathic drugs. In the case of one-third of the medicines taken, it is the patient's internal body chemistry that aids in healing rather than the medication itself.

 Nocebo effect

 In complete contrast to the placebo effect is the Nocebo effect. Even with the drug that is intended to do the job, if someone truly believes that he will not be healed of any diseases, he will never recover. Similarly, a patient with diabetes may not realize that they require insulin to manage their condition, which could result in improper insulin management.

 Positive or negative thoughts influence our biology. Returning to our earlier discussion of epigenetics, we may influence how our genes are expressed. Gene expression is influenced by our environment and behavior.

We now understand that our genetic activity is affected by the environment, and more precisely, how we perceive the world.

If I learn to control the programming of the subconscious mind I can change my genetic expression the way I want to.  

 How do medications get to the area where they are needed?

Have you ever wondered what ibuprofen or other pain reliever does to your body? after you've ingested it?

 A headache, a stiff back, or a throbbing ankle from a sprained ankle can all be treated with medication that goes down your throat. But how does it initially travel to its destination?

 Your digestive system is where this process begins. Imagine that you ingest an ibuprofen tablet to treat a hurting ankle.

 The tablet begins to dissolve in your stomach's acidic liquids within minutes.


Ibuprofen that has been dissolved enters the small intestine before passing through the intestinal wall and into a system of blood vessels.


The blood from these blood arteries enters a vein, which transports the blood and anything in it to the

 liver It continues to leave the liver, travel via the body's veins, and enter the circulatory system.

Some of the dosages of the tablet start to enter your bloodstream 30 minutes after you ingest it.

Every joint and organ in the body, including the heart, brain, kidneys, and liver, are passed through by this circulation loop.

Ibuprofen molecules attach to particular target molecules that are a part of the body's pain response when they come into contact with an area where the pain response is active. Actually, they are made to solely attach to the necessary receptors.

The pain-canceling impact grows as more drug molecules collect, reaching a peak in one or two hours or so.

Then the body starts efficiently eliminating ibuprofen, with the blood dose decreasing by half every two hours on average.

 This is generally the case with all the drugs we take.

Is the body itself capable to make the same drug?

According to Dr Bruce Lipton, if the body already has the receptor in it to attach to a specific drug to make it work, then the body must have the gene to make that drug as well. You controlling your thought means controlling your genetic expression. It turns out that you have the capability to instruct your body to make that particular drug on demand. As discussed before even with the medicine it’s the placebo or nocebo effect that helps to heal or not heal.

 That’s actually healing with belief.

 When is your body ready to heal? 

When necessary, such as after trauma or an accident, the human body may mend itself by replacing old or dead cells with new ones. However, there are several circumstances in which the body's repair and maintenance system will function at its peak.

 Let's talk about a stressful or urgent situation where the body creates cortisol.

When your body is under constant stress, it has a negative impact on its capacity for maintenance, repair, and health maintenance. It eventually causes aging, immune system deterioration, and the development of diseases.

So to keep all these situations under control we have to learn to keep ourselves calm, loving, and affectionate. love and affection completely do the opposite to your body, leading to healing and longevity. 

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