How to program your
subconscious mind
Let's begin by
talking about how the mind is programmed.
The programs we
receive in the first seven years of life, which account for 95% of our life,
are the reason why poor people stay poor and affluent people stay rich.
Using an
electroencephalograph, researchers can monitor brain activity. A youngster less
than seven has a vibration that is lower than consciousness. It is known as
theta. Theta is creativity.
pretending to have a tea party with mud pies, but to them, it's a real event,
can help illustrate the concept. A child rides a broom; to him, it's a horse.
Theta imagination continues to function before you become conscious.
Consider a
scenario in which a young child is exposed to negative programs, such as the
instructor or parent telling the youngster, "You are not capable of
accomplishing this."
The child simply notes
what they just stated, so he or she is not consciously understanding what you
mean and is merely noting that I am incapable.
Now if my brain is
working according to a 95 percent unconscious programmed mind. The mind will
keep on working to prove that programs are incapable most of the time, where
will such a person stand after, 40, or 50 years of his life?
Unsuccessful, miserable, sick, and not ever knowing his/ her true gifted
Dr Lipton gives
the reference to the famous book "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
It basically says
that if you come from a poor family. You can struggle your whole life and try
to get rich but you're not going to make it as there is no program in your mind
to support it. And if you come from a rich family you can be stupid, your whole
life and make it not, because you’re making the right movement unconsciously.
If you engage your conscious mind then they look stupid but it's unconscious.
How do we
transform ourselves?
There are currently two
1. Reprogram the
Conscious brains
will become more aware as a result of acquiring knowledge.
However, the
subconscious mind cannot be taught through reading or other forms of knowledge.
If we can learn to
control our conscious mind, we can also alter it and have an impact on how we
are programmed during the first few years of life.
Hinduism, Islamic
mysticism, and Christian beliefs all advocate some form of prayer and
meditation that results in a better conscious takeover of your mind. This is
true of so many old cultures and civilizations. To be in the current moment
2. Autohypnosis, which
was previously described
How does hypnosis
operate? Well, as you drift off to sleep, consciousness disengages. Theta is
the following phase of your brain's activity while your consciousness is cut
off. It's called autohypnosis because whatever you repeat just before bed will
now directly enter your subconscious. You don't need to go see a
hypnotherapist. You only need to decide which application you want to have. If
you keep saying it, it will eventually sink into your subconscious. In which
you are
Your subconscious does
not support the destination you have been looking for, which is why you are
struggling in life.
2. Repetition is another
Imagine you want to be a driver. You didn't
learn how by just sitting down and putting all the methods you had previously
learned into practice. The automobile required a lot of driving practice. The
subconscious mind picks up new information through repetition.
The second one is
successful because it is simple to comprehend and use. If you want to be happy
but aren't currently. If you keep doing it
content," Your unconscious mind will become programmed as a result of
Linking all of
this discussion to epigenetics, you are no longer bound by your genetic make-up
because it is modifiable. As a result, these are the methods that may help
alter our lives.
and longevity
How is it related to
health conditions?
How do medicines help us
recover or heal?
Medicine gets into the
body and attached to a specific binding site where it acts and heals us
Well, your body is
designed to make all those chemicals to fight any disease, which we ever have
to go through. If we don’t take in medicine from outside and program our mind
to make all those chemicals needed and heal itself, it can do wonders.