Keto diet plan for weight loss:
is Ketogenesis?
Keto diet, Keto meal:
How does the Ketogenic diet help
reduce weight?
What is
If somebody’s
goal is to lose weight with the ketogenic diet, he/she must understand what is
needed to lose weight. The body wants to get rid of extra fat in the body, so
it has to use fat as its primary source of energy production to use it all up. The actual primary source of energy in our body is carbohydrates, including, sugar glucose, and starch. All carbs when digested produce
glucose that serves as the prime energy source for the body. To maintain
this process our daily intake of carbs should be from250-400g each day. If we
consume extra carbohydrates the brain will send a signal to the pancreas to produce
insulin. Insulin converts extra glucose into glycogen to store. When we try to lose weight first we have to be
calorie deficient means taking fewer carbohydrates than required. In such a
situation when you are short of energy and your glucose level goes down the
body starts converting glycogen back to glucose and uses it as energy. If all
storage is used up then the body will switch to using the stored fat for
Let’s find out how the ketogenic
diet helps achieve that goal.
Ketogenesis is basically the production of ketone bodies from the breakdown of
fats. This process normally takes place in our body at a slower rate as a prime
source for most of the organs is still carbs. The heart uses Ketogenesis more
often for its energy needs. This process can be enhanced in a shortage of
glucose or in case of excess fat absorbed into the bloodstream by the digestive
As it has already been established
in our previous articles that the body’s prime energy source is mainly carbs. , The
recommended intake of nutrients.
Based on this information the
ketogenic diet plan is designed in which carbs are only 5 percent of our total
diet and most of the percentage of the diet is comprised of fats and proteins.
Protein is up to 30 percent and the rest is all fats.
does it work?
In the ketogenic diet, the
goal is to switch from a state of glycolysis where your body is burning glucose
to a state of ketosis where your body is burning ketones. The main advantage is
definitely the weight loss. But it comes with some temporary side effects as
Side effects of the ketogenic diet:
1. It
takes a few days before your body enters into a ketosis state. Initially, the
body’s insulin levels go down. Ketone bodies are rapidly produced from fat
burning. This leads to dehydration and fatigue along with the loss of electrolytes
from the body. Resulting in some other symptoms like frequent urination,
nausea, and muscle cramps. So people may need to have supplements or include a
diet containing more electrolytes to overcome this situation. It’s called
keto flu. But symptoms are reported to go away within days to weeks.
2. .
Weight drops rapidly due to water loss and then slows down.
3. When
ketone bodies convert to acetate, it may result in the breath smelling like
nail polish, it may go away after a few days.
4. In
my opinion the main disadvantage is its time taking process. People may give it
up before getting any advantage finding it difficult to cope with side effects
or strictly following the diet.
So if you are really enthusiastic to lose weight. Follow
this but you have to be very consistent and patient to achieve your goal.