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Marriage and health

Can marriage help you live longer and healthier?

 How marriage is directly affecting your health positively.

A major survey of 127,545 American adults has shown that the longer a person stays married, the greater is his\her chances to stay healthier.

Is it because of having a company rather than living alone?

no, the research proves that living with wives and having a physical relationship on regular basis has an actual impact. Many studies reveal that even having, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, or other health issues related to age, married men still had a survival rate of 46 percent more than unmarried people.

Do this health benefit extends to same-sex married couples as, well

No, The research reveals that same-sex marriages are actually a threat to health. Simply it’s against nature so your natural body does not go fine with it.

 Possible factors

Loneliness, stress, anxiety

Being with a life partner and keep expressing your love and anger helps a person stay calm and avoid stress. Releasing fewer stress hormones has a great direct impact on human health, remember being in a state of stress,  your body is in an emergency situation, which keeps preparing you for fight or flight situations rather than staying focused on maintenance, repair, and growth of new body cells.  

Having kids is also linked to the same factor, affection and love towards the kids keep you in a peaceful mental state. This mental peace leads to lower stress hormone or cortisol levels, leading to a lot of other health benefits.  

It can be linked to the release of oxytocin (the love Hormone) that is supposed to be related to social behavior, developing long-term relationships, and sex as well. 

There is a lot of research found and currently going on to see the effects of this love hormone on human physiology, social behavior, and psychology.

It is a hormone released in the female reproductive system including sex, childbirth, and feeding processes.  in men it is released a t the tim eof ejaculation of sperems  and also help prodiuction of testosteron in testis.

The release of this hormone also leads to long-term relationships with life partners and an impact on overall social behavior.


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